Enjoying the Journey - Choosing Your People to Empower Your Progress
It sounds cliche'. You’ve heard it before. “Life is not just a destination, it’s a journey,” and “Enjoy the journey!”
So, who are the five people in your life that you have invited on your journey? You know, those that you associate with on a regular basis: friends, family, your spouse, co-workers, acquaintances.
Are they upbeat, positive and encouraging people?
If not, you are in need of investing in some fine tuning. You know, a tune-up, an oil and lube job, some new spark plugs? Perhaps a little maintenance to make the journey a little more reliable or smoother?
An investment on your part by expanding your circle to include at least two additional positive, supportive, optimistic people will encourage confidence and add new smiles in your day. Adding people that support and nurture your journey empowers you to obtain your goals, encourages a healthy outlook, and will energize your spirit.
Adding some new friends does not mean that you have to suddenly disconnect from those other people that are not as supportive as you’d like. Each person you have grown to know has some redeeming qualities, or you would not have invited them along to begin with!
As with any worthwhile investment, you’ll need to invest something to obtain a valuable return. In this case your investment will be some of your time and your own enthusiastic support. One way to start to nurture a positive relationship is to BE that person to others. One example would be inviting a new person to lunch and being a great listener as well as a talker.
Be patient but persistent in finding a few new supportive people in your life. Spend some time this week thinking of ways you can meet supportive, like-minded people and then take steps to connect with them. Before long, you’ll find yourself surrounded by upbeat, enthusiastic people you admire. They will admire and respect you and help you be all that you envision for yourself.
Change your attitude, change your life.
Denise C. Williams, CLC
LifeStyle, Attitude & Relationships
stress management