
Is Your Blackberry Causing Stress?!

The Blackberry outage last month put some people who rely heavily on email access over the edge! We depend on these technological wonders to help us keep up with our busy lifestyles and when they go out, it is naturally very distressing. It can be a real catastrophe for some people. One of the most common stressors is unpredictable events that cause some major frustration.

This reminds me of a visit to my mother's house last summer. Mom is 80 and now when she visits we try to fly out to Florida to escort her, rather than leave her to fend for herself in the airport. Now the airport can be about as frustrating as life gets especially if you are not used to traveling on a regular basis. Imagine how unpredictable airport life can be and then times that by 10 for the elderly. It's just not that easy if you can't run to the "new gate" or the announcements are spoken too quickly or not at all.

Anyway, back to the subject! Mom mentioned to me how complicated life is now. The subject came up several times during the trip and when you think about it, with the advent of all our technology, gadgets and "conveniences" it makes you wonder what is the price we pay for all the "convenience" that is supposed to make our lives so simple?

"Simple?!" Mom would say. "Have you ever been locked out of your on-line banking account? It sure is nice of them to let you store your password, but just try to remember it after you've had it 'stored away' for years." "What was the answer to that security question?" and "What do you mean this does not match your records?!"

Technology changes faster than most people can keep up with it all. I heard a gentleman on the airplane complain: "I was perfectly happy with the old Blackberry and some genius decided to improve things. Now I can't get my calls!" Boy, was he stressed out! Everyday something newer and better comes along. You are expected to adjust whether you want to or not.

The world is spinning so fast that sometimes we feel we might just spin right off of it. We all feel that way from time to time. At some point in time, it might be a good idea to take a deep breath and list every technologically advanced, "just can't do without" toy and tool you use. Look at the list. See how many "things" you really need in order to function and whether the price you are paying for them is more than the balance in your peace-of-mind checkbook. If your account is in the red, maybe its time for downsizing.
Denise C. Williams, CLC